Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Heidelberg Castle and Schwetzigen Schloss

6 June - our Favorite Aussie living in Germany, Laura, visited. We took her and some friends to Heidelberg to see the ruins of the castle there ( Then we visited the Schloss (castle) in Schwetzigen ( . Heidelberg is mostly ruins but a few rooms are rebuilt. It was destroyed 2 times by invading Armies and the 3rd time by lightening. The town took it as a sign by God that they castle should not be rebuilt. It was started in 1300 and lighting destryed it in 1764. It ahs various styles and and very nice. It has a HUGE wine keg that you can keep over 500,000 liters of wine. It was nice and only 400 steps to the top. There are over 100 weddings a year in the castle chapel. the grandmother of George I of England lived here. George I was from Hannover in Germany - yep a German ruled England. Now you are asking - so why are you telling me this. Well, George I's grand son, George III was the king at the time of the American Declaration of Independance and Revolutionary war. Small world :)
We had a nice lunch in Heidelberg and then drove to Schwetzegen about 30 minutes away. This was a get away place for the royalty of Baden Wurtenburg. We did not tour the castle since not much to see but the gardens are very nice and HUGE. It even has a mosque. Really nice visit.
Front of Schwetzegen Castle
part of the massive gardens of the castle. Very nice.
Courtyard of Heidelberg Castle. Concert ongoing
500,000 liter wine keg - best filled with Stoffel Wine :)

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