Friday, June 12, 2009

GS Awards Day

7 June - Jamie's GS troop held their awards ceremony and Bridging. This is where the girls "cross over" to the next level of Girl Scouts. Jamie will be a Cadet next year. The girls received their badges and awards today. Jamie and most of the girls in her troop received their Bronze Award. This is the 3rd highest award in Girl Scouts. The girls worked really hard and conducted several projects. Their community service was organizing and conducting a "try-It" day for a couple Brownie Girl Scout troops. This was very challenging for the girls and they realized how hard it is to work with younger girls!!!
The day was a typical Spring Day in German - Rain, Sun, Rain, Sun, Rain, Sun. :))
The local GS Neighboorhood provided food for everyone and it was nice - even with all the liquid sunshine!!!
Jamie is "bridging" and is now a Cadet Girl Scout!!
Troop # 307 girls that are now Cadets!!

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