Saturday, February 14, 2009

Job Shadow Day

5 Feb - Jamie went to work with me for a half day. It is part of the school program so they can see how what they are learning in school applies in the work place. The kids have a questionairre to complete about the job. Most go with family but for those whose working Mom or Dad is deployed, the community sets up other places for them like some units will have displays or activities so it is really a community day.
Jamie helped me put together a class I had to do that afternoon. She was a GREAT help in copying and assemblying the handouts for the class. then she got to brief my boss in our weekly operations meeting. Jamie did very well. She briefed the maintenance status of the 500 items I maintain for US Army Europe. She practiced several times and was prepared for the brief. I am very proud of her. Then we had lunch together at the dining facility. I asked her if she wanted to go to Seckenheim with me to hear my class for 3 hours or go back to school. She said "I'll go back to school - I get enough class from you at home!" funny food for her :)))
Jamie ready to brief at the Operations Update to COL Haley - my boss.

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