Saturday, August 2, 2008

Misc items

This week Jamie went to the pool with a friend she made here in town. They go to the same school and church. They are involved in the local community so that is very good.

Here in the Rhine-Pfalz where we live, they have alot of wind. They have put up ALOT of these windmills for additional power. They are very tall. They don't distract from the beauty of the countryside but really add to it. Not as pretty as the ones in Holland but more functional now :)

Jamie bought herself a new bike with her Birthday money. It is a big bike but she enjoys it. The first two times she rode it - she fell. One time pretty big into a ditch falling over the handle bars. She got up and rode the 1.5 miles back to the car. She had a helmet on so she did not hurt the tree she hit with her head!!!


MD said...

I love your new bike, SweetPea!! You look like a natural!

jameskennedy said...

Did you notice the color? Yes - Purple!!

Kennedy Travelers said...

The bike is a little big, but she will grow into it soon!! She used her old one & biked to the sportplatz in town on Sunday. It is too small for her too!! She wants us to get bikes too. We will be a biking family!!

Twice Blessed said...

Kim..I tagged you in a Meme. Go to my blog and check it out. I know you don't have anything better to do so quit unpacking and start typing! Sorry...